Centrifugal Oil Pumps

Centrifugal Oil Pumps
- Outlet Diameter 40x32 - 200x200 (mm)
- Flow Rate (Q) 6.3 - 280 (m3/h)
- Lift Head (H) 12 - 80 (m)
- Power Consumption 1.1 - 90 (kw)
- Suction Height 1.5 - 3.5 (m)
Features And Applications
The Series GYZ self-priming centrifugal oil pumps can be powerfully self-primed whenever the priming chamber retains a required amount of liquid to prime properly. There is no bottom valve needed in the line system. The self-priming centrifugal oil pump features simple structure, large flow capacity, high efficiency, flexibility of working conditions, smooth operation and less requirements for maintenance. The pumps are suitable for pumping gasoline, diesel, and aviation gasoline at temperature between -20 - 80. They are also widely used as discharge pumps for oil ships, oil tanks, oil reservoir or oil cargoes as well as for transporting water and sea water. When being equipped with corrosion resistant mechanical seals and stainless steel material, the self-priming centrifugal oil pumps can serve for transportation of chemical liquids.
All Categories
- Diaphragm Pumps
- Split Case Pumps
- Centrifugal Pumps
- Multistage Pumps
- Submersible Wastewater, Sewage Pumps
- Vertical Submerged Pumps
- Sewage & Sludge Pumps
- Self Priming, Chemical Process Pumps
- Magnetic Drive Pumps
- Chemical Process Pumps
- In Line Pumps
- Oil Pumps
- Fire Protection Pumps
- Vacuum Pumps
- Screw Pumps
- Slurry Pumps